dengan tidak ragu-ragu bahasa Inggris
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- tidak ragu-ragu: undoubtful; undoubtfully
- ragu-ragu: be into minds about; double minded; doubtful;
- tidak ragu-ragu -: know own mind
- dengan ragu-ragu: doubtfully; hesitantly; in doubt; tentatively
- dengan tanpa ragu-ragu: readyly
- sama sekali tidak ragu-ragu: no doubt whatever
- ragu: doubting; raise eyebrows; raised eyebrows; raising eyebrows; incertain; uncertainty; worried; ambivalent; doubtful; unsure; wonder; fear; hot and cold; afraid; anxious; hesitate; androgynous; feel b
- ragu ragu: halfhearted; luke; piss-warm; laodicean
- ragu-ragu: be into minds about; double minded; doubtful; dubious; hesitant; hesitate; hum and haw; irresolute; sceptical; undecided; worry; ambivalent; doubt; falter; faltering; hang back; hover; indecisive; t
- tidak ragu dalam rencana: knock own mind
- diterima dengan ragu: doubtful value
- bergerak ragu-ragu: waver
- bersifat ragu-ragu: skeptical
- They then placed the gold along with the ark on a cart drawn by two milch cows, who head straight for Israel and do not waver.
Mereka kemudian menempatkan emas bersama dengan tabut pada suatu kereta gerobak yang ditarik oleh dua ekor sapi, yang langsung menuju Israel dengan tidak ragu-ragu.